The Great Polar Vortex, by Harry Holdorf

The Great Polar Vortex, by Harry Holdorf

If you were to graph your life, at some point your expectations would intersect with your abilities: such a point should provide one with some degree of comfort; sort of like when the dog has taken your easy chair, and you’re all right with that. Two line graphs on...

Winter, by Harry Holdorf

Wikipedia does a good job describing winter’s date variations: everyone agrees the season is three months long. Most Northern Hemispherians do winter as December, January, February, centered not on the December 21st Winter Solstice, but about 3 ½ weeks later, due to a...
December 2013, by Harry holdorf

December 2013, by Harry holdorf

There’s all sorts of cause-and-effect paradoxes… like our shower faucet… the hot water always leaked, so Danny fixed it by going into the downtown Murphy hardware store, finding the right washer, and replacing it. But after a couple months, it runs again, enough hot...